Effective: 03/25/2025   ·   Rates subject to change without notice.   ·   Available to New Jersey Residents Only

For more information call (201) 659-3600, ext. 320 to speak to a residential loan representative or email us at: mortgage@havenbk.com.

Fixed Rate Mortgage Loans

MaturityInterest RateAPR*PointsPmt per $1000** Description
10 Years 6.250% 6.442%0$11.23Fixed Rate, Owner Occupied, No points
15 Years 6.250%6.386%0$8.57Fixed Rate, Owner Occupied, No points
20 Years 6.500%6.611%0$7.46Fixed Rate, Owner Occupied, No points
30 Years 6.750%6.836%0$6.49Fixed Rate, Owner Occupied, No points (up to $1,500,000)

*Annual Percentage Rate
APR calculations are based on a loan amount of $100,000 and includes 15 days prepaid interest, Origination Fee, Flood Certification Fee, Settlement Fee, Wire & Courier Fees

** The payment amount does not include taxes and insurance. Your monthly payment obligation will be greater.

All interest rates are subject to change without notice.

Adjustable Rate Mortgages

We offer adjustable rate mortgages at competitive rates and terms.

For more information please call (201) 659-3600, ext. 320 to speak to one of our loan representatives.

Interest RateAPR*Pmt per $1000**
5/1 ARM: 5.875%6.558%$5.92
60 payments at5.875%$5.92
299 payments at6.875%$6.49
1 payment at6.875%$6.52
7/1 ARM:6.250%6.633%$6.16
84 payments at6.250%$6.16
275 payments at6.875%$6.50
1 payment at6.875%$6.52
10/1 ARM:7.000%7.048%$6.65
120 payments at7.000%$6.65
239 payments at6.875%$6.59
1 payment at6.875%$6.60

*Annual Percentage Rate
APR calculations are based on a loan amount of $100,000 and includes 15 days prepaid interest, Origination Fee, Flood Certification Fee, Settlement Fee, Wire & Courier Fees

** The payment amount does not include taxes and insurance. Your monthly payment obligation will be greater.

All interest rates are subject to change without notice.

Home Equity Line Plan (H.E.L.P.)

Maturity Interest Rate APR* Points
20 Years 7.500% 7.500% 0

Starting Rate of 7.500% is fixed for the first 6 months. Thereafter, the rate is a variable rate, and may change monthly, based on the Prime Rate. Minimum rate (floor) is 4.75%; Maximum rate (ceiling) is 16.50%. $1000 minimum draw. If only minimum payments are made, a balloon payment will result at maturity.

*Annual Percentage Rate

All interest rates are subject to change without notice.

Borrower(s) must have adequate homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance (if applicable) in place at the time the line is opened.

Fixed Rate Home Equity Loans

We offer fixed rate home equity loans at various rates and terms. For a 1st lien fixed home equity loan, Haven Savings Bank will escrow for property taxes and flood insurance (if applicable).

MaturityInterest RateAPRPayment per $1000
5 Year Fixed6.50%6.594%$19.57
10 Year Fixed6.75%6.801%$11.48
15 Year Fixed7.00%7.036%$8.99

Please inquire about other terms available.

For more information please call (201) 659-3600, ext. 320 to speak to one of our loan representatives.

Commercial / Mixed Use / Multi-Family (5+ Units)

Please contact our Commercial Lending Division at (201) 291-2500, ext. 104 for details.